If it serves no purpose why spend $20 on it
The pricing is wrong if they are charging for it emotes and class items should cost as much as a expansion
But that's a value judgement of the individual that others shouldn't be able to make for them. You can't tell other people what something is or isn't worth [i]to them.[/i] Activision didn't do anything shady by offering people optional content so now it's up to them whether or not they decide to spend money on it. To me, a huge fan of Destiny who has thousands of hours sunk into the game, that content is worth $20. The same might not be true for you, but no one is telling you that you have to purchase it and there's no hidden incentive to purchase it anyway because it provides no actual advantage in gameplay. There is literally nothing wrong with the sales model as it stands.
I understand there business model just don't respect it but its capitalism I was elaborating on what the first person was saying in a more polite matter