As you can tell from the title,I need some tips. For the last quest step for Path of the Gunslinger. Do any hunters have an idea for this,I have been able to do the 15 kills no problem but the 3 major kills is a pain,if you have tips(positive ones please) leave them here.
Play omnigul with bad juju
What do you get for completing those "path" quests? I haven't beat either yet
Load up the Devils lair strike, once youre loaded go to the steppes, the beginning spawn area for patrol. Find the hive majors down in that cave, make sure your super is charged, weaken them and take all 3 of them out with the golden gun. Should be gg
solo nightfall
What I did is phogoth because the acolytes in the beginning and then the nights if you need more
The big ogre one on Hellmouth I forget it's name right now when you're 'decrypting' the door, the acolytes that come out of the door on the right are easy to kill and like 4 of them come out. That or on Archon Priest, a whole mess of yellows comes out. Also tip: use Bad JuJu
I did mine with the nightfall.
Do the weekly. It was super easy
Omnigul strike!
Play undying mind with high intellect, at least that's how I did it
Just drop their health low and activate ur super to kill them
[spoiler]the secret is get others working the same part. You get the credit for theirs also [/spoiler]
I did it in the nightfall solo with celestial nighthawk. Gunslinger is easy mode compared to blade dancer.
Equip Bad-Juju. Then run 'The will of Crota' strike. Bad-juju gives you your super back in half the time. The first room has two or three majors that appear on the right, just use your super on a group of thrall to get orbs (and stab as many as you can, this helps your super too). There are two others that spawn on the left of the room half way through. You will go outside where the drop ships come, there are two sniper majors (one on each side) then a couple spawn in the center. Then in the field (skywatch) there is a knight running around that is a major. In the area where the witches & Ogre spawn you will run into a few majors and once you get in the omnigul room there are some major cursed thrall that spawn from the entry room on the right.
Edited by Lawman967: 9/12/2015 2:48:05 AM
The nexus, get in a party of 3 and load up the nexus everyone get their supers you should be able to get 2/3 majors at least from the servitors then have radiance kill all the enemies before the tunnel above the nexus and get your super again and stay on top until the Minotaur spawns for your third major kill, take as much time as needed to get the rest of your 15 kills from the waves of Vex.
The Undying Mind strike on Mars works great, especially when you get to the staircase with all the majors. The only problem is if you go in without people you know or if they don't have a mic. They might not know that's what you need.
Archon priest strike.
Omingul strike is where i did mine at with celestial nighy hawk to one shot the majors then switch to helmet that gives u four golden gun shots
It's the easiest quest... just kill things.
Run the archon priest strike
Make a Titan
Do the Sepkis strike on Earth. Instead of going forward go to the Steppes, the spawn point for patrol and take out the Ultras in the underground. Rejoin your group and finish the strike.
I just ran basic Summoning Pits
1) Equip Celestial Nighthawk helmet or Achlyophage Symbiote. 2) Start Weekly Heroic Strike (Omnigul) 3) Super All The Yellows