I mean why not?
It is really not all that bad...
It obviously have medical purposes
It is practically impossible to overdose
Marijuana is not addictive
As dangerous as Heroin and LSD.... no...
The only gateway Marijuana would lead you to is the fridge...
If marijuana makes you dumb, you're dumb for thinking that
Tobacco and Alcohol is waaaaaay more toxic than marijuana
Tobacco lobbyist, Alcohol lobbyist, Pharmaceutical lobbyist are the ones fighting the legalization of marijuana to protect their own profits. Considering that we live in a country where the economy thrives from competition, yet these companies are pumping money into to the government to prevent competition to take place.
Remember that the only thing dangerous about marijuana is getting caught with it
Off topic much?? Lol
"this is why we are here, unobtainium"
I'm all for it...but at the same time...people act really stupid and make dumb choices when high.
Bump!!!!!!!! Idk how u guys play this game not high lol
Its not for me but I dont mind it. Live in Seattle where all down the streets there are cannibus shops and its no biggie *shrugs*
Mary Jane is op, pls nerf. I have injected 8 Mary Jane pills by needle in my mouth and have only gotten drunk once.
Wrong. ANYTHING could be addictive. That's a fact. And I'm not just talking about drugs.
Weed smells like shit
Pot for medical purposes, not recreational
#Offtopic There. Fixed it for you
Instructions unclear. Eating underwear.
I'm sticking with my pack of 5 gum, thanks.
America is already called the dumbest country. The fact that we want to make a drug leagal without a prescription proves that. The only reason we arguably have the best medical and technology in the world is because we find the brightest minds from all over the world and promise them fortunes and a wonderful life over here in the "land of the free." Over 50% of our top graduates are foreigners and these people make up the majority of our top level jobs in this county. Now when the dollar finally colspses because it is severally over inflated and is only a matter of time. These people will return to their respective country or be picked up by some other country like say china. America will be left in a third world state and it's only hope of returning to it's former glory is by an uneducated pot smoking society. So ya, we're screwed !
Dude u are in for a rough ride here !!! People on these forums are ass holes at times. Self righteous doesn't even cover people at times on here. I don't smoke it but I agree with u. The stuff is harmless to a major degree. Alcohol is way more deadly in my opinion. There are so much worse things in the world that are legal !!! Good luck with all the hate though. You are gonna need it.
It's not illegal..
Damn stoners at it again
Nice destiny post
Legalize gay marijuana
Off topic
Even if the government did make it legal, most private companies would still drug test. The stuff stays in a person's system a good amount of days. Good luck getting and keeping a good job if you are a pot head. Ah, I remember the old high school and college days, Lol! Maybe just sit around playing video games and collect welfare? Then you can smoke all the pot you want..................
Xur defiantly has some loud in his book bag
Apparently smoking weed also makes people unable to post their garbage in the correct forum. #offtopic Also- it [i]is a carcinogen[/i] It [i]is associated with several psychiatric disorders[/i] It [i]does cause physiological changes in your brain[/i] It [i]does cause estrogen-like effects in the male body[/i]