Primary weapons are still being out classed by secondary's is it me or did secondaries means something to people. Secondaries are suppose to be used in specific circumstances but every one in his mother is still running around with a special weapon as his primary. Primary weapons need to out damage a secondary and secondary's need to be last resorts not the first go to for easy kills. I have been killed by no Primary weapon today all shot guns and fusion rifles. So to say the least shot guns still need a nerf and fusion rifles need a tad nudge in the nerf department. Primary need to be the dominate factor at the start of the game not who is the first to fire there shot gun. Also Auto-rifles to excel need to be with in shotgun range to do damage that seems very counter productive when buffing an auto rifle and barely nerfing a shotgun because the shot gun is going to win 10/10 times. All in all the PVP was a major let down and PVE is the only thing I am looking towards. Rift was the only fun thing to come out of the 2.0 patch for PVP balance was a MAJOR LET DOWN.
Edited by xlBooYahlx: 9/12/2015 3:25:00 AMInstead of nerfing every -blam!-ing gun into the ground so it's unusable, how about buffing others?!? You -blam!-ing id10ts never cease to amaze me lol And muted!