Daily reminder that the The Cellar Door seal of approval™ comes in a bundle pack with every quality post you make.
Why should I be the judge of what a quality post is? I shouldn't, however I have a good understanding of posts that are not quality.
[b]Pro Tip: Having actual discussion value, so much so that your topic can produce greater than one sentence answers, and doesn't get muddled with spam, or encouraging critical thinking is a good start at posting quality topics. If everyone posts quality topics, that then makes the subforum a place for reoccurring quality discussion.[/b]
So please, visitors of #offtopic, add on to the list of topics (threads) that suck in your comments, I'll edit them in if agreeable. Also, before you say this topic or any of my threads, I know my posts suck, that's my problem and not yours. I'm making this list to hopefully encourage posters into making better threads.
[b][u]The Shit List[/u][/b]
[spoiler]I realize that some of these threads have been coming up recently, so I apologize to any authors that feel like I'm "calling them out." There is no offense intended.[/spoiler]
"Rate me!!!"
"Follow me!!!"
"Join muh clan!!!" (Go to #recruitment you scrub)
"Who's your favorite users"
"Which users would you [insert verb]"
"Which users do you hate?"
"[insert user name] [insert negative/positive predicate]" (seriously just PM the user)
"Top 5 users of all time"
"I have a vagina lol love me"
"[uninteresting occurrence] AMA"
"Lol I'm sad gunna kill myself try to stop me"
"My [family member/pet/friend] died gimme all your sympathies"
"[insert religion/belief/world view] is wrong bcuz [insert different religion/belief/world view] is right"
"Religion wrong science right, me smart"
"Science wrong religion right, me holier-than-though, you pseudo-intellectual"
"[insert controversial topic] is wrong bcuz [opposing side] is right"
[spoiler]I'm not saying intellectual debate is not quality discussion, but it is evident that it's simply next to impossible on this forum, unless in small groups, or if the OP has put thought behind his/her post, and the users in the replies to the same.[/spoiler]
"*[verb] you*"
"Lenny Lenny Lenny lenny..."
"Why was I banned?! I am underserving!!! [spoiler][insert ninja username] should be demoted!!" (You were deserving, don't act coy. The ninja's actions are justified. If you really don't believe so, PM one, or read the part of the CoC that clearly states "You have [b][i][u]no[/u][/i][/b] rights. Play nice.")[/spoiler]
"Ban [insert username]"
"[insert praise for poster who constantly violates the Code of Conduct]!!!"
"Don't post [x] here" example: [spoiler]"Don't post [lenny face] here," to which the thread is filled with Lenny faces. You aren't clever, and your post is meaningless. This sort of thread is only funny when the comments are not expected. A funny example would be a poster asking to photoshop a picture of a family member for a family event, to which the replies a filled with photoshops that would certainly not be appropriate to view at a family party. I remember on 4chan a user wanted a picture of his brothers that died in a car crash cropped, and the thread was filled with pictures of them in police chases and crashed cars, absolutely hilarious.[/spoiler]
"Selfie thread!" (Filled with catfishes)
"[insert title that's misleading and irrelevant to the OP to grab attention]"
Suicide threads are my least favorite