I did some measuring with a different reference point, which I think removes the depth perception question completely.
I used this trailer [url]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jm8cxcmVA8Y[/url]. I'm pretty sure that space rock that hits the ship is Comet 67p/Cheerio-Emelianenko(if it's not, then none of this applies). It's listed to be about 2.5 by 2.7mi. Just before it explodes on impact with the dreadlock, I measured it at 2/16in or 1/8in or 0.125in.
Then I measured 3 full screens of the ship passing by, from around 0:40 to 0:55, with each screen being 19.75in, for 59.25in(3 x 19.75). This is where my final number could go off course, because I just guesstimated that the final back section is a little less than a third of the whole ship, and called it 17in(close to 1/3 of 59.25), for a total of 76.25in
So: 1(inch) divided by 0.125 = 8 "rocks" per inch... 8 x 76.25 = 610 "rocks", each rock being we'll say 2.6mi across so 610 x 2.6 = 1585 miles or 2550 km
If they crafted that rock to be this specific comet, I feel like they would be aware of its size. You never know though, it coulda just been an artistic choice.
I reserve the right to be completely wrong or mistaken (I'm no mathemagician) and maintain my dignity tho. It seems like no matter how you look at it, Oryx has an enormous dreadnaught.
That's how he gets the chicks...Oryx that is