Think about it this way... You eat your tacos, you poo, fertilize the ground and your body and do good for nature as the cycle of life dictates... You eat 100 tacos, die of a heart attack, get buried, body decomposes, flora and fauna grow using the nutrients in your body, maybe your body's nutrients feed the growth of a sturdy oak tree.
100 years from now your majestic oak is cut down, some company makes it into a chair, and some guy sits in you while he too eats 100 tacos... Circle of life!!!
In 15 years when destiny servers shut down... Poof... All your data gone... Like the whisper of a shadow of a ghost of a fart... Now you tell me... What's the better investment? Circle of Life? Or Ghost Fart?
Hey man I just tell it like it is...
Gotta watch out for them ghost farts!
I'm inspired.
Yeah it's like... Spiritual taco poetry yo *puts on sunglasses*