So I keep seeing people using the term ADD for enemies in the forums and I'm just curious. What does it stand for?
Edit: So they're literally just extra enemies and I'm dumb.
Edited by Queen Skelly: 9/13/2015 9:17:52 PMAdd: additional enemy mobs (npc) Npc: non playable character Aoe: Area of effect AMA: ask me anything Dot: damage over time (ty H1jAck) for reminding me of that one :) MLG: Major league gamer (ty marcus marcus) Dps: damage per second (ty again marcus marcus) TTK: time to kill (ty boogeyman333) Meta: most effective tactic available (ty CatfaceJohnny) Wipe: when someone orders a wipe, this means that everyone on the team must die in order to restart a checkpoint. (Ty PhantomBlade305) There are so many terms out there, I believe these are the most popular. Edit: please send more to add. Thank you to those who have :)