What is marijuana? It's a drug right? A drug is something that alters the chemical reactions in your body, now I'm not saying I'm an expert and I'm not saying you are either but if professionals are against it, then I'm sure the effect weed has on the body is negative.
Technically, cane sugar is a drug.
Puahahaha! Do you know how many "professionals" fought to keep lead in gasoline?
Well the professional have found it has few hamful effects and it physical impossible to overdose [spoiler]you would need to smoke 30 a second to overdose[/spoiler]
nope, its a plant -- if you know history you would know
Caffiene is a mind altering substance. Every anti- depressant is a mind altering substance. Our government doesn't want us drug free they just want us on there drugs.
I'm from the UK, I'm presuming you're from the U.S.?
With that definition, alcohol is a drug as well, and that's legal. See the bias here?