Try finding unbiased sources to say it's not dangerous.
Harvard study shows link between continual use and brain damage in specific areas.
That being said it should be legal and taxed to hell. Potheads can finally contribute to society that way. If you want to be an addict go be an addict. But don't subject the public to your rotten smell.
Yeah, because no pot heads are ever important to this country or contribute to society in any way. Especially those every president ever.
Yeah, because no pot heads are ever important to this country or contribute to society in any way. Especially those every president ever.
Taxes are unconstitutional
Lol most successful people I know smoke pot in a regular basis. It helps with stress. "Pothead" is silly. You're silly. So silly.
Even though it's not addictive. Not saying it should be legalized. This country has bigger issues to worry about