Hells yeah you're right? Who the fuk wants to be in the real world anyways?? We are gamers after all..
I know right like whoa dude wow man cool bro
Bro bro bro, did you know, like, the reason the ocean is blue? is because its like reflecting the sky.. Does that blow ur fukin mind or what
Dude man holy f[u][/u]ucking shit bro how did you come up with that hypothetical estimate of evaluation?
Don't know what language you switched to at the end there but I was just smoking on one with my bros bro by the beach man. I said it and they were like woahhh.
The hypothetical evaluation of the disembodied reptile leaves one asking... what the f[u][/u]uck man
Lol you're fun I like you
I'm just an old man, tending to the forum's jimmies.