Hi Guys. I am a lvl 34 Warlock. Looking for people to do strikes, raids, crucible and all that jazz with. I have mainly been doing story mode only so not that experienced and geared up. But seems I have to do the vanguard and stuff to get cool shit. So that's why I am looking for people to play with cos it sucks doing strikes and stuff alone. I promise not to hit on anybody cos I am married. :) let me know if you keen to play. I am on PS4 as VeRnOnVp
Hey, Im a level 39 warlock. looking for people to do strikes raids, crucible and all the rest. I just started the Taken King main story (played the first mission only) and i am LOVING IT. im looking for some people to join me in the fun. All levels welcome. I play on PS4. add me thierry_beau007