It's super easy for anyone who knows how to use PubMed or search scholarly journal articles. Here are some peer reviewed materials from reputable scientific journals I found in about six minutes. It's very common knowledge among most people that there are risks associated with MJ use.
(I don't think it should be illegal, by the way, but I do think all risks need to be discussed, just like cigarettes and alcohol)
Carcinogens presence: ( read the abstract)
Estrogen-like activity:
(This is why it shrinks testicles and causes gynecomastia)
Physiological brain changes in marijuana users:
(it shrinks your brain... Surprise!!)
Psychological events related to cannabis use:!po=0.980392
Edited by Thr0ckmorton: 9/12/2015 10:20:48 PMDid you even read the articles or just the abstract? Lol. No numbers no data no nothing and, just going from the abstract we have Estrogen article -only 1 form of thc they tested reacted with estrogen recepters at very concentrated levels[b]in rats[/b] and cpuld not be reproduced in vivo. Shrinks your brain article- no data or evidence but ok again going off the abstract it clearly says it only affected thoze smoking before 17 and it MAY have a link Carcinogen presence article- clearly states multiple studies showing any causual relationship is still needed Yes any fool can go on pubmed or google scholar, read an abstract, and suddenly be an expert on the subject
These are peer reviewed and published in reputable journals. I have access to all of them through my professional affiliation. It also was a cursory search to do the homework that you blind pro-legalization people refuse to do yourselves. I'm not making this stuff up. You don't get articles published without intense scrutiny....
Edited by Thr0ckmorton: 9/12/2015 10:34:22 PMYes as a physical therapist i know what it takes to get something published and i also know how to read a damn article lol. All the ones you posted had inconclusive results and if you honestly think that some articles dont slip through with a crappy p value or fudged results or clinically insignificant results then that is sad. It is also ignorant to think anyone pro legalization hasnt done research.