Sure, but that's irrelevant. Just because one thing is legal doesn't mean the other should me. Maybe cigarettes should be illegal, that's the direction the law should go in, not the other way around. The law exists to keep order and peace, but also to protect the more vulnerable members of society. Until weed can be proven to be harmless almost 100% it should stay illegal, I've seen too many of my friends become social recluses with little to no prospects due to their addiction, and I see no need to risk this happening to more people, plus the increased availability it would lead to for young people just so some portion of the population can get high, seems selfish to me.
Please, I'd much rather have young people smoking weed rather than drinking and smoking cigarettes. Hell LSD has been proven to be less lethal than cigarettes and booze. I think it's enough than no in the history of the entire world has died from smoking pot and millions die every year from cancer and alcohol poisoning. It might be arguable is someone, anyone had died from smoking weed but no one has. No will they ever, because to die you'd have to consume twice your body weight in the course of a day. Which is physically impossible to do.
Id rather have them doing none of those things, but that isn't possible, but why then just let them do them all? Many less people would die and succumb to addiction if alcohol and cigarettes were criminalised, but unfortunately they are so in built with our culture now that it's impossible to do that, the best we can do is offer advice, help and guidelines. To me is seems backwards to legalise weed when we should be encouraging people not to use any of these substances. True, no one has died directly from an overdose weed, it isn't fatal, but smoking it can still seriously damage your lungs and increase the risk of lung cancer, and it can indirectly cause deaths either as being used as a gateway drug, or by the abuse of the substance in dangerous scenario's such as driving.
Oh yeah smoke is obviously damaging but there's many other ways to consume weed in ways that invoke no smoke. Edibles, vapor, oils, and a couple way I can't think of. And I have to disagree with you saying we shouldn't do any of these substances. Everyone needs a vacation for reality at some point in their lives. A little 2 hour break with friends every couple weeks is fine in my eyes. Moderation is really the key to any substance.
Of course, and you're 100% entitled to have that opinion without anyone judging you. I suppose my belief is that people only feel that because it's a part of our society now, if we never had access to alcohol or weed from birth we would function fine with other ways to relax, but I completely understand and respect your choice. I just want people to consider slowing the rapid changes to allow more time for research, so if there are harmful effects in the long term people can be more effectively educated about the risks instead of the polarising love/hate propaganda most people use to inform themselves now, and if it is legalised that the government is in a better place to support weed users with information and guidelines, as well as better provisions for safe use.
You sir went full retard. Hell no it isnt
Yeah it is it's been proven by multiple studies. Hell i smoke both and I can go days without smokin weed, but a couple hours without a cigarette will piss me off.
Nope all false Scientists cant legally study weed, fact.
Wow you really are that stupid aren't you? You just made that up. Actually here's a few pieces of research done by scientist just to prove how stupid you're making yourself look. http://m.livescience.com/48171-marijuana-research-health-effects-review.html http://www.sciencedaily.com/news/mind_brain/marijuana/ Do I need to go on or do you realize how stupid it was to try and lie like that?
Ok, that just proved that your either extremely ignorant, extremely stupid, or a troll.
None of the above Keep trying
Can't respond when I call you out? You're a really shitty troll kid.
One quick google search would show that scientists are indeed allowed to study marijuana, provided they get the proper permit. So once again: ignorant, stupid, or troll.