Practically impossible - I'd actually say borderline, as the amount you'd need to smoke is like 500lbs in less than 15 minutes. You'd die from smoke inhalation long before you'd OD.
For people saying "every heroin/coke/meth addict started with marijuana" forgets that they also drank milk long before. Does that mean that milk causes people to do any of those things? No, not at all. Correlation =/= causation.
Read something once that went like 98% of hard drug users have used marijuana but 98% of marijuana users have never used hard drugs.
That's honestly the least surprising statistic I've ever heard in relation to drug use.
You can od on edibles pretty easily, though
Did you see the union the business behind getting high by any chance? It's just that they give that same example on that documentary.
That should be required to watch
Oh yeah and there's a more recent one made by the same people. If I'm not wrong it's called the culture high. Great stuff.