Inb4 bbydonthurtmeh
All 90's dance tunes aside, let's try to define this term. Let's have an actual discussion here, please leave the spam out, and actually add something to the discussion if you comment. If you just come here to spam, I will assume that you are too immature to hold a proper conversation.
The "love" I speak of is the person to person, mutual connection that forces us to considerably care for and have an intense, intimate passion for the other individual. It's the emotion that forces us to put another person's live over our own in spite of natural instinct.
Merriam-Webster defines "love" as:
[quote]a feeling of strong or constant affection for a person
: attraction that includes sexual desire : the strong affection felt by people who have a romantic relationship
I honestly do not feel that this is very accurate.
So I ask you, visitors of #offtopic, how would you define love?
I don't want a shoddy definition, I want you to get to the core of the term.
Questions to consider when answering:
Why does it exist?
What causes you to love someone?
Is it merely an emotion activated by certain stimuli that cause the neurotransmitters in the brain to create this intense feeling? In this sense, would that mean love is a programmable, predictable thing? Can anything be loved with enough of the specific chemicals (I believe it's serotonin, correct me if I'm wrong)?
Is physical attraction necessary for love?
If you believe love is evolutionary, as in an emotion forged by the brain to influence reproduction, how does love exist between homosexuals?
At what point does attraction become love?
Is love everlasting?
Have you ever thought you loved someone, and then realized you didn't actually, it was just a spur of the moment emotion?
Chemicals in your head