I was, for a very long time, 100% against marijuana. I chock it up to my very conservative and strict upbringing.
I got married almost two years ago (I'm 26) and my wife was an avid user of it. So naturally, we clashed on this issue.
I would say there's nothing good about it. That people shouldn't need a drug to escape reality. That it lowered ambitions and causes people to have low expectations of themselves and others. Also, of course, I claimed it was a gate way drug to much other harsher chronicles you can subject your body to.
Months and months we argued, always to no avail other than me furious and her contemptuously walking away stating she doesn't want to have conversations with father-in-law anymore.
Finally, we sat down one day and she requested that I put my childhood predispositions aside and objectively think about it.
So I did.
I've done a lot of research and talked to a lot of people on both sides of the isle for the issue and formed my on opinion.
I feel that legalizing marijuana would absolutely benefit us.
Recreational use, of course would have limitations and laws for privately selling it could be the same as alcohol or tobacco. The tax should be high (as is in Colorado) and amount purchased at once should be limited.
Medically speaking, we've yet to see the limitations. It all but cures epilepsy, prescription narcotics could be done away with entirely; cancer patients can actually live their lives comfortably.
Finally, the economic boost received from the taxed pot would very much help our financial well-being as a whole.
There are always down sides to every aspect of life. But the pros significantly outweigh the cons when it comes to legalization. (That's your TL;DR for ya)
[spoiler]this is in the wrong forum bro[/spoiler]
There is no evidence that marijuana cures epilepsy or that it could replace other pain killers. Marijuana is a powerful anti inflammatory, not pain killer. The greatest health implication for marijuana is for stroke victims. If strokes could be predicted, marijuana could reduce the damage dramatically. There is no other use for marihuana that has health benefits worth bragging over. The benefits for cancer and glaucoma patients are often overstated. That's not to say there are none though.
So much misinformation... Ever hear of cbd? Look it up brah, it'll change your perspective.
No misinformation. None at all. Whatever pseudoscience you're reading is just propaganda.