Like this post if your game was here.
EDIT: I thought people think Roblox is stupid. I play it but I'm sorta movin away. Add laughablepenguin21 on Roblox if you want to play with me
EDIT: I doubt I can sleep tonight
EDIT: Wow! 730 Replies! Let's try for 1000!
EDIT: People who decide to be douche bags will have their posts hidden.
EDIT: All who want Lego universe to be re opened, in your reply put in #LegoUniverse
Conquer online 2.0
Oregon Trail?
Club penguin till 09
I grew up as a "kid" in the 90's. There wasn't online gaming on consoles and I didn't have a computer. That being said my favorite game from my child hood was [spoiler]Legend of Dragoon.[/spoiler]
Played maplestory for years
Socom us navy seals on ps2 online was amazing back in the day :)
Diablo II? Where is Diablo? WHY IS THERE NO DIABLO II?! This thread need Diablo II..
When I was young? Online only? But... I didn't have online when I was little... My childhood was all things Nintendo though, 64, Gameboy, and even had a PS2
Lego universe was one of the main reasons I get into developing these days. The game sparked a imaginative idea into my head that I should make the best places for people to have fun in. The sad part was seeing it go.
I was all about counter strike source. I lived in Europe and EVERYBODY played that game. Then I played metin 2 then I played need for speed world "pc only version"
Runescape and a shitload of Diablo and Starcraft
Time Splitters 2, Red Faction
Clone Wars Adventures. Shut down in May of 2014. I still crei
We didn't even have internet when I was a kid
Lost Saga
Diablo 2
Halo 2 multiplayer!
I didn't really play many online only games, DCUO was the first mmo I spent any large amount of time on.
There were no online games when I was young :-P
Webkinz bitch
Star Wars episode III or starwars battlefront 1 and 2.
I don't even caret that it wasn't online. Jet set radio & jsrf