There should be an option to have a private fireteam that random players cannot join. Matchmaking is good for some instances, but it can be a henderance for others. An option to block or lock the pre made fire team would make a world of difference.
Omm burmp.
Bump I agree as sometimes people get in the way of your bounty or quest
Private portal what the hell you don't get to go hunting by your self in real life so why would a social game let you hunt by your self.
It's next to the "Invite Party" it will say open to friends and if you click on it it will bring up a list of options. They should be "Public, open to friends, invite only, and closed. Us on 360 have it so you most likely have it.
Edited by Zaine88x: 9/13/2015 3:36:43 PMIsn't this an option??? Just set your fireteam to invite only. The leader has to set this. Maybe I'm not understanding you.
I agree and then some. I wish my friends couldn't join without asking as well.
[quote]There should be an option to have a private fireteam that random players cannot join. Matchmaking is good for some instances, but it can be a henderance for others. An option to block or lock the pre made fire team would make a world of difference.[/quote] Good idea
So ur saying u cant find one more person? Problem solved