Quick question. Have you ever heard the Internet connection dial up sound?
I was kinda wondering if he knew what dial up was...probably not.
It's my message tone. It's great for buses. The older generation sigh and know of the feels. The younger people don't know the dread of wandering if someone was going to use the phone.
So true...I would set one as mine, but it would just bug the heck out of me.
I also do it as a never forget kind of thing. I tell younger ones every once in a while about when we had to rewind our games. Because, y'know, games on cassettes was a thing.
wait...what? o.O you got to be trolling them...if that's so that is brilliant...i may have to try it.
No literally games used to come on cassettes. Google it
did not know that...oldest systems i knew about had cartridges (atari and odyssey II).
I tried looking for a video. This guy is using what the young ones would call a "home brew" loader with a modded console and a pirated game. https://youtu.be/BnHW-f5ayhs
that is so cool...did not know this existed. thanks man...guess what people say is true...you can always learn new things. (b^_^)b
Lol that was the theme song of my early teenage years.