[b]You catch Jack in the halls with his hand behind his head still wearing the Red Devil Recon armor.[/b]
He nods and turns into the armory. He walks back out, carrying grenades. Python heads back towards his room to get his guns.
"Agh. This. Shit. Hurts."
"What? First robotic enhancement?"
"You mean the implication of the neural interface?"
"Heh. That one hurt for a few days." He walks out of his room, Vulcans on his back and carrying his guns. "The rest of this stuff only hurt for a month or so."
"Oh gee thanks for the reassurance, but the armor is hella cool." [b]He says admiring the armor.[/b]
"My old armor is like that, except bigger and heavier." He heads to the hangar.
[b]He follows you.[/b] "But the scary thing is that this armor can possibly kill me."
"Really? That sounds like a bitter-sweet deal."
"Yeah. If I over do it or stress way to much. He said it was a last resort sort of armor."
He nods and climbs onto a gunship. [spoiler]Gonna make a new post....where did everyone go?[/spoiler]
[b]He follows.[/b] [spoiler]I don't know. Probably all busy.[/spoiler]
[spoiler]Post up[/spoiler]