I'm too old to have played online games as a kid.
Try tape decks and fckin 5 1/4" floppies!
Floppies! Im only 25 and i know Floppies lol, i randomly found a floppy disk in a draw at work the other day and cracked up laughing showing some of the boys.
You ever use the 5 1/4 inch floppies? The ones that were actually floppy?
Oh shit- i think so but now that im thinking about it im not too sure... We used floppies in primary school a lot. My teacher was a computer enthusiast and we had about 13 different computers/ laptops/ macs in our class room I grew up in a very poor area aswell so this is massively out of the norm... every other class in the school had none or one if they were lucky...
I actually remember those! That storage tho.....