So recently i heard some rather disturbing facts. 23% of people on these forums have beaten Crota's on hard.
This leaves a staggering 77% of people who i would not feel comfortable gaming with for end game content.
Not to mention those who haven't downed Skolas
I've been labeled an elitists before and probably will be labeled the same again but I'd rather winners had my back as opposed to well... Losers.
Therefore Laurea Prima will be my gold standard for this year.
Edit: Thanks for all the support. Laurea Prima will be the one downing Oryx first! See all you champions on the Dreadnaught!
Edit: I've had many the conversation about how people have dropped Skolas and they wonder if that qualifies. In my eyes yes. Skolas is the most recent test of skill and therefore a good measurement.
Edit: You don't have to wear the badge to be Fireteam material. Just have it.
Edit: According to all those out there who "just dont care" to fight the bosses. In your world Skolas breaks free. Crota destroys the Earth, or Atheon rips the timeline in half. Why even play then?
Edit: This is not directed at those just picking up the game, as pointed out in the post, I'm disappointed by Year Ones and the general lack of motivation.
Edit: I was asked for an image of the emblem. [url=][/url] There it is in all it's glory.
Edited by Grim: 9/13/2015 3:10:26 AMIve been playing since day one. Now i may not have as many hours as some people but i have m good share of time into this game and have dedicated alot to it. Now the only Moments of Triumph I dont have are 3 Golden Chest(why would i want those?) and the HoW ones. I was not a sucker enough to buy the HoW. I knew the Prison of Elders would be left behind and once i saw the new exotics i decided not to buy the DLC. Do you consider me unskilled for not buying a certain DLC? I've killed Atheon and Crota on Hard. Ive done everything in the game available to me. Am i to be rejected from a fireteam just because I dont want to waste my money?