To anyone else that is a bit annoyed at having to cough up £40 for the TTK Expansion, do what I did last week:
Sell Destiny on eBay for £20 and you've basically halved the cost of TTK, seeing as you can't buy it standalone and will get the full game anyway. Sorted, and a big Middle Finger Up to Bungie for ripping off their loyal British customers.
And for a few extra quid, I'll probably see if I can sell the codes for TDB and HoW on eBay too.
Latest news to rip us off even more, seems to be that unless you bought your Legendary Edition as a digital download or from Game, you do not qualify for the Suros weapons. They are not exclusive, to Game, it's just that no one else is allowed to have them. Also a little worrying that Game are also saying on their website that the Vanguard weapons pack for pre-ordering is not available on PS3 or XBox 360.