[b]Phantom stands in the War Room, monitoring the Bio-Signatures of the Team as they breach the Facility[/b]
They need to be quick about this.
[b]He then sees that Python and Jack's blips turn gray, indicating they've been knocked out
He notices that Shade's remains normal[/b]
The hell?
[b]Shade's blip disappears[/b]
[spoiler]why do all your characters betray us :/[/spoiler]
[spoiler]well I'm gonna start saving people now[/spoiler]
What? Where the hell did she go?
[b]you get a call from an unknown location[/b]
Put that transmission through. [b]A HoloScreen opens[/b] Who are you!?
[b]Jacklyn shows up on the holoscreen[/b] "I can't believe you actually thought I was dead. You people are so easy to fool"
[b]Phantom's eyes flare red[/b] Jacklyn...
Where. Are. They.
"Wouldn't you like to know"
[b]He stares at the HoloScreen[/b] No games, Jacklyn. Tell me. NOW.
"There not in the base they were taken to a fleet very far from here"
Jacklyn... I swear when I find you...
"You won't do anything. Because you can't"
You were always the cocky one. Always thought you had the upper hand. Maybe this time... You'll finally learn.
"Well this time I have Python, Doc, Jack, and sharpshooter"
And you think that gives you the upper hand?
"If I can control their minds then yes it does"
Again with your nonsense. You won't be able to control any of them.
"Thats what you think"
No that's what I know. [b]He cuts the Holo-Screen and goes to the Bridge[/b] Lock onto Python's coords. [b]The crew in the Bridge run the scans and find him[/b] Open the Warp. [b]A huge Warp opens and the Ship flies through[/b]