"They took something dear to me and they said if I helped capture you they would give it back... and Jacklyn never really died the hole cloning thing was a lie to get you to come here"
"So, you didn't just ask us for help?" The hard light on his right arm starts to crack.
"They were watching me I couldn't go to you for help"
"Yeah whatever." The hard light breaks even more, not enough for him to get out though.
"I'm sorry" [b]she walks out and Natalia is dragged into the same cell as you and restrained[/b]
He looks at Natalia, slamming his arm against the hard light tethers.
[b]she's unconscious [/b]
"Shit." He keeps pounding the tether, it getting weaker with every strike.
[b]you feel a stabbing pain then everything goes black[/b]
Python falls unconscious, his right arm almost free.
[b]when you wake Natalia is awake and your tethers are strengthened[/b]
He shakes his head, regaining his senses. "Natalia, you awake?"
"Yeah I'm awake"
"Alright, good. Let me fill you in....." He looks around, already trying at his tethers. "Doc, aka Shade, was blackmailed into getting us all captured. Personally, I think that's bullshit and we just need to nuke the ship."
"OK well I've been in worse situations"
"Same. So, battle plan. We break out and hijack the ship?"
He starts breaking his way through the tethers. [spoiler]Afk for a while[/spoiler]
[b]she starts breaking out of her tethers[/b]
He breaks though, looking around. He realizes he's unarmed besides his Vulcans.....but they're out of ammunition. Python starts helping her out of the tethers.
[b]she gets out of her tethers and stands up[/b]
He walks over to the cell door and starts punching at it.
[b]she stops you and puts her hand on your shoulder and pushes you through the shield then follows you through[/b]
He gets through and looks around. "How- never mind. Let's move."
[b]she starts walking[/b]
He follows.