Ok thank you for that correction the still though:
Star wars the creators of the entire universe are not divulged.
Halo: you got precursors and forerunners.
Reality: GOD/ALLAH (supposedly)
SO YEA: my point is------------------------------------------->
God/Allah/precursors/forerunners/????(star wars god equal)----> ARE NOT BORN OF THEIR RESPECTIVE UNIVERSES; THEY CREATED THEIR RESPECTIVE UNIVERSES AND ARE [b][i][u]NOT CONTAINED WITHIN THEM[/u][/i][/b]
so 1 where and why cant you use star wars god? (George Lucas i suppose: lets email GL together an ask him how he would defeat the precursors/forerunners lol jk)
2 [b][i][u]TRUE[/u][/i][/b]GODS are OUTSIDE their universes not PART OF THEM
[i]Forerunners are not gods. They're biological, living things. They were made by the Precursors within the Halo universe. It's painfully obvious at this point that you're oblivious to Halo lore. The Precursors are the gods of the Halo universe, nothing else is. They made the Forerunners. We're not discussing the Precursors here. We're discussing the Forerunners. [/i]
Ok still basically its like Plato's Atlantans vs US now. So yea forerunners are "more omnipotent" ish; But more omnipotent than a jedi or sith? I dont know. (Not dont know about that but like i actually dont know) My main question: Did forerunners exist before the universe in halo lore? If the answer is YES; they were born of an alternate universe or place---> thats my point
[i]I've told you so many times already... The Forerunners were not made before the universe. They were made by the Precursors a few million years ago. [/i]
Well you left out the millions of years part so i did not know that: Compared to the precursors existence timespan tho; they only decided to make the forerunners in the last 10 seconds of the cosmic calendar year of the universe; Why wait that long?
[i]They've been around for hundreds of billions of years. There's no way we can possibly understand their motivations for doing anything. [/i]
Right but i mean consider this; 100s of billions of years (convert to cosmic calendar year for understanding purposes/relate-ability; thats 1 year = 13.6 billion years) (100billion years = 7.3 cosmic calendar years) Your minimum 7.3 years old: you create the universe (halo/ours) in that last year and in the last 10 seconds you create forerunners Why wait soooo long? Thats all im saying.
[i]Yes, I understand what you're saying. I'm saying that I don't know why they waited that long. There's no way of knowing what they were doing before they made the Forerunners. That's the whole point; they're meant to be shrouded in mystery. [/i]
I see thanx then that does make sense an i do get that.