Just looking for a bae to play destiny with, male or female idc I'm just lonely :(
Bae means poop in danish so...
A girl called me bae today...how long should i cry for?
I would play but dont have ps4... Ps3 only....
[spoiler]i feel bad for you[/spoiler]
Come here bby I'll take care of you ;)
Talk to a girl in person and get a life
I send you luck and good vibes
People who say bae are between the ages of 9-12 so please leave
Damn u guys are harsh
I will file this post in the "Confused Bi-sexual Teenager" folder....
[quote]Guardian! Eyes up Guardian! it worked you're alive. I'm a brain, actually I'm your brain, and you? You've been dumb a long time, so you're going to see a lot of things you won't understand. *hears sound in background* this is smart people territory you aren't safe here, I have to get you back to the city. hold still...[/quote]
Me me me!! As long as you're male and have a smexy voice ;)
Use the word bae again and I'm going to punch you in the fae.
And people do realize bae stands for before anyone else, right? It isn't some weird spelling of babe or baby. Don't get me wrong its stupid as shit, but there is a reason behind it.
Bæ/bae is a Danish word for poop. Also used by people on the internet who think it means baby, sweetie etc Which one did you want?? I'm so confused.
Hey bby u wnt sum fok? [spoiler]youre on the wrong console. Woulda said sure why the hell not[/spoiler]
What's a bae ?
I'll hold your... Ghost... Bruh.
https://www.bungie.net/en/Forum/Post/153422087/0/0/1 He can play with you! (Ps. Totally stole this credit goes to original poster who's name I don't remember)
I would but i already have a bae ;( :)
You queer boy?