The same statement goes out to those who claim to be [b]real[/b] Titans/Warlocks. I have seen too many #masterclass comments regarding favorite characters, but majority of the posters have all 3 classes. How can you show pride for us true Hunters and have a Warlock that you play just as much? [b]Real[/b] Hunters despise Warlocks.
I understand people who want to experience all the content available. This post isn't about that. I, a devout Hunter, played as a Titan and Warlock prior to choosing the true class for my play style. I haven't gone back since. If one truly supports in the #masterclass epidemic, then they would be devout. I thoroughly enjoy playing as a Hunter, and no amount of content will get me to make another class. That's just my preference, just as you have yours, but I prefer not to be lumped into the same group as [i][b]Neapolitans.[/b][/i]
Do us true hunters a favor, and [b]delete yours.[/b]
Edit: I have discovered that some of you have have two of the same characters and one that is different. You shall be known as an [i][b]Ice Cream Sandwich.[/b][/i]
Lol everyone cares.
Your not a real destiny player unless you have all 3 classes
I have two hunters one awoke amd one human the exo hunter is next
I like all the flavours of my destiny...
All I'm saying is you aren't using all the content in the game by having 3. Git Gud Skrub
Is it ok if I got a Titan I've mained a hunter ever since day one
I have all 3...only touch the other two for nightfalls and weeklies. Made them for the achievements
Got a Warlock, but I've had a Hunter since the beta. Hunter at heart. Ain't give a shit what anyone.
I like [b]neapolitan[/b] ice-cream.
Wouldn't they have more of a say because heh actually tried the other classes and got them max level, and still sticking with their fav.
That's like saying you like chocolate ice cream the most but still buy vanilla or strawberry
I have all 3 classes but always was and always will be a Real Titan That's like saying you don't truly love Latino's if you have banged a Blonde or Asian. Just so many untrue things with that statement.
Op is a fag
The days of triple dipping to rank up are over. Stop being lazy and trying to justify why you still have 3 hunters. I too had 3 hunters. Best thing I ever did was to delete them and make all 3 classes. It's fun to play them all.
I am a Real Hunter.... I have all 3 classes, but only my hunter is Maxed because i enjoy it the most.... You sir, are and emberesment to the Hunter name. One can not truely understand what it means to be a hunter until they have played the other classes.
This guy is a moron taking this "true hunter" crap serious. It's just a game, go outside and remember it's only a game.
When I first glanced at it I thought you meant subclasses. I thought you were pure blade dancer or gunslinger.
Being a real Hunter player is knowing the strengths and weaknesses of all the classes, but still favoring and maining Hunter.
Muted for instigating discrimination.
If you do not have all 3 classes you do not have all the class specific weapons. rekt.
If THIS is being a real Hunter (which I know it isn't), I don't want to be.
Thank god I'm not.
I feel like the character that you have the most time/kills on is your true main character, I don't think that you have to have three of the same for this to be true
You're an idiot. A "real" [Insert class type here] is a person who uses that class the most. You're just a prick who hates to use something different...
A true Hunter isn't a complete ass