The same statement goes out to those who claim to be [b]real[/b] Titans/Warlocks. I have seen too many #masterclass comments regarding favorite characters, but majority of the posters have all 3 classes. How can you show pride for us true Hunters and have a Warlock that you play just as much? [b]Real[/b] Hunters despise Warlocks.
I understand people who want to experience all the content available. This post isn't about that. I, a devout Hunter, played as a Titan and Warlock prior to choosing the true class for my play style. I haven't gone back since. If one truly supports in the #masterclass epidemic, then they would be devout. I thoroughly enjoy playing as a Hunter, and no amount of content will get me to make another class. That's just my preference, just as you have yours, but I prefer not to be lumped into the same group as [i][b]Neapolitans.[/b][/i]
Do us true hunters a favor, and [b]delete yours.[/b]
Edit: I have discovered that some of you have have two of the same characters and one that is different. You shall be known as an [i][b]Ice Cream Sandwich.[/b][/i]
Wow, these Troll posts are getting retarded by the day. I remember when trolls had a sense of humour. Trolls nowadays are ignorant as fxck.
Looking for some salt?
Edited by Psychedelia: 9/14/2015 6:11:34 PMYou are a retard sir. Bad b8.
You forgot #satire because this is too bullshit to be serious
You're a loser for having 3 hunters. You wanted gear faster and now you're too lazy to make new chars because it would put you behind. The strategy failed buddy
I am a [b]true guardian[/b], same as those who have one of each class. #GuardianMasterrace
If you play as just one class you're a scrub-a-dub dub.
Your not getting the full enjoyment of the game if u only have one toon... Ur logic is that of a 12 y/o in fact I wouldn't be surprised if your 10-13
When you want to get this DLC over with as fast as possible and play other games. #3Hunters
Keep your enemies close.
Boy bye !
Edited by Noctroglyph: 9/14/2015 5:26:12 PMGuess you are not a real Hunter then, as you only have two. [spoiler]Edit: yes, that was a joke.[/spoiler]
What an idiot
This game lacks variety. Having 3 classes adds variety. Logic. You should try it sometime.
Yes agree 100% best post ever lol
Why have just one class? You're literally wasting money by locking yourself out of content. And now that level isn't tied to gear there is no reason to have more than one of the same class. Stupid elitist people are stupid and elitist, I guess.
Have all 3 classes but my hunter is my main (my last class to hit 30 in og destiny). I'll start by saying that I would destroy you in crucible and that having 3 of 1 class doesn't make you any superior but actually inferior. [spoiler]If your on Xbox I would be glad to show you who's a better hunter.[/spoiler]
You didn't earn your gear if you have two or more hunters.
Im a real hunter I had 1 charecter up intill about 2 weeks til house of wolves I finally started a warlock just cuz I have all three classes doesn't mean I'm not a real hunter cuz I am so [spoiler]suck my a** if u disagree[/spoiler]
hmmmm. *sets up a tequila stand*
You're a scrub if you have 3 hunters
Right here my friend, Striker Titan through and through. My other classes aren't max leveled and have never been deleted and/or remade. Just wanted to experiment of course.
I had 3 but I wanted to test other classes out
true hunter right hurrrrr.
[spoiler]wasted content[/spoiler] [spoiler]reason 4 birth control [/spoiler]