Grimoire is a digital dick measuring contest for losers. Hey check me i can play modes i dont like with guns i dont like whilst killing ogres over and over. How bad ass are they? Haha
Baby cries because 3400 grim suxks
So you're calling yourself a loser?
Butt hurt grimoire chaser inbound...
Ogres account for what, 15 grimoire?
And all the other enemies, your 'point' is weak.
Is that what you think of me? I'm sorry
Were is everyone getting this false information from? You don't have to grind for it. It'll go up by itself if you play enough.
What on modes you hate using weapons you hate?
I am SO SORRY. I don't understand what you mean.
On game modes you dislike with weapons you dislike, it wasn't written in Sanskrit.
Well if I have a small dick in real life, then I better have a big dick in destiny.
Its small in both
Got me.
Thats the thought process. Hey im a nobody in real life but if i get a big grimoire i can be finally respected as bad ass...
Cry scrub, nice grim lol 3400
Not played for around 3 months.
Did you enjoy skirmish using a side arm? Just kidding haha
[quote]Grimoire is a digital dick measuring contest for losers. Hey check me i can play modes i dont like with guns i dont like whilst killing ogres over and over. How bad ass are they? Haha[/quote] THIS OMG YES HAHA
You are missing the grimoire for crucible. Check out the requirements. They arnt as easy as grinding ogres.
Yes they are
Maybe because i dont like those game modes and deem it silly to play them to gain worthless grimoire points that mean very little.