She leans forward and says with a smile.
"I am the manager"
Oh.... Someone told me you were hiring
Revy raises an eyebrow. "Who? Well, I am hiring but haven't told anyone" She shrugs. "Anyway, oh yeah. You see yourself working in this coffee shop do you?"
For now, yes.... I'm kinda broke
Revy smiles. "Oh I'm sure you'll love it here, money or no" She hoists herself ontop of the counter and sits. "Now, let's begin out interview"
Ok... Where do U want me to start
"Tell me your name and two words you would use to describe yourself"
Umm... Trustworthy and Joker.... I can always lighten the mood...
"And your name?"
"The goddess of wisdom herself" She says with a smile. "You talk to people often? Are you a people person? If not can you at least fake it?"
I'm sorta a people person, and yes I can fake it
"Good goood. If you were a tree what type of tree would you bee?"
Umm... An oak tree I guess. Or maybe one of those rainforest ones... I dunno
"I'd be a tree with red bark and brown leaves that bleeds soda in the same way maple tress bleed syrup" She says with glee. "Anyway, I heard enough, you're in!" She points towards the back. "You'll find a rack of aprons and hats back there, take your pick, you get to decorate your apron however you like. We start training right away"
Ok.... *Goes to the back*
There, you see neatly assorted aprons, one gray and one a grayish dull red, void of any buttons or accessories. Next to that is a shelf of hats, there are top hats, bowler hats, eight point caps and ushankas(russian hats) of black,red,brown,gray and green colors, there is also one aviator hat with a set of goggles.
Give me the reddish apron and one of those eight-point things
((Those are eight point caps, in case you didn't know)) "They're all yours"
"Well then Athy, time to teach you all about my lovely little den, let's start with the machines" ((You're officially hired, you can make posts of you tending to the Mad Hat. You'll receive 1,500 credits per week))