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Edited by Ghostfire239: 9/22/2015 4:58:48 AM
Hunter: I don't know what's wrong with Warlocks * sneaks a smoke bomb in Warlock's pillow* They seem to just like to hating on us Hunters! I mean seriously what did we ever do to them? (Hunter then gets a compilation of flashbacks) *Hunter trips Warlock down the stairs near the Speaker* *Hunter fills Warlock's vault with common gear* *Hunter dumps trash over Warlock while he's flirting with Amanda Holliday* *Hunter messes with the brakes on the Warlock's sparrow* *Hunter hides Warlock's notes with Cayde-6* *Hunter "borrows" some glimmer from Warlock* *Hunter messes with the Warlock's hot shower water, takes Warlock's clothes, and runs around the tower with an angry Warlock in a bath towel close behind* *Hunter makes a deal with Oryx to prank Warlock by having raid boss froms king's fall spawn in the tower then post the video on GuardianTube* (Back to the present) Hunter:...Yup we did nothing to them...Oh here he comes *hides behind a couch brings out a ghost to record* Warlock: Whoooo! I just got a date with Amanda! I just got a date with Amanda! *dances* Hunter: (whispers) Holy shit she finally said yes!? Warlock: Alright time to get some sleep, I gotta stay fresh for tomorrow, cause I know the ladies like a fresh man *lies down on the pillow and causes the smoke/stink bomb to detonate* Warlock: WHAT THE F- WHO? WHAT? ARGH THAT SMELL! OH GOD IT'S HORRIBLE! Hunter: *comes out of cover* HAHAHAHA! OH MY GOD THAT WAS HILARIOUS! Warlock: COME ON DUDE I'VE GOT A DATE WITH AMANDA TOMORROW! *Smells again* OH GOD I DON'T THINK ALL THE AIR FRESHENERS IN WORLD CAN GET RID OF THIS!! Hunter: *laughing* Well I hope Amanda likes smelly men because GODDAMN do you smell! HAHAHAHA Warlock: *Chases Hunter around the tower* I SWEAR TO GOD HUNTER WHEN I GET MY HANDS ON YOU NO GHOST IN EXISTENCE CAN BRING YOU BACK!!!! *Hunter and Warlock run by the Speaker* Speaker: *Smells* Is this the stench of darkness? Hunter: HEY CHILL OUT BRO! Oh is that Amanda over there? Warlock: *Stops immediately and looks around* Huh!? Where!? Hunter: Never mind that was just Eva *runs off* Warlock: GET BACK HERE!!!* runs after Hunter* *Hunter and Warlock running in circles around the Vanguard and Titan shows up* Titan: Hey guys what's going...oh...again *sighs, puts both arms out and grabs them both* Titan: WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU TWO!? *Slaps both of them across the face then tightly grips their necks* GET A HOLD OF YOURSELVES!!! Zavala: *Titan still yelling in the background* Titan...they're turning blue. Cayde-6: Like you? Zavala: Huh? Cayde: Nothing. Titan: Oh sorry I got carried away *scratches head* Sooo. um, what happened? Warlock:IcamehomeafteraskingAmandaoutandwantedtogotosleepbutHunterputastinkbombundermypillowand then- Titan: Hold up hold up what? Hunter: He asked out Amanda and she said yes. Titan: Holy shit she finally said yes!? Hunter: That's what I said! Titan: Well I hope she likes smelly guys 'cause HOOOWEEE do you stink!! Warlock: All thanks that to that bastard * Points at Hunter* Hunter: Hey now I was just trying to protect you from the heartbreak when she doesn't show up tomorrow! Warlock:... Hunter:... Titan:... Zavala:... Ikora:... Cayde-6:...Holy shit!! Warlock: I'M GONNA KILL YOU!!! I hope you all enjoyed that little skit. In all seriousness though I think Warlocks, Hunters, and Titans share a sibling like bond where Warlocks are the mature brother/sister that has the brain of a genius and Hunters are the immature brother/sister that live to be a pain in a Warlock's ass! and the Titan is like the older brother/sister that keeps them all together. I mean, judging from the lore and overall attitudes between the classes. Edit#1: Thanks for the support you guys! It really makes my day :) Edit#2: Hey friends I just posted another skit. It's supposed to be continuation...well kind of...yeah...Anyways I really hope you like it :) [url][/url]

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