Anyone else feeling sick too? A lot of my friends are coming down with something and it's only the ones that play Destiny. Seems like it will be worse come Tuesday. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Edit: I think we are getting the VoG virus and I think it's spreading fast.
Edit 2: There's other forms spreading. So far there's:
VTD (vexualy transmitted disease)
"Something "microscopic" stirs in the depths of the hellmouth. A hive super virus" bred for unspeakable purpose." - KamakaZ
And a few cases of Harpes.
Edit 3: Wow guys! We are trending and on the highest rated list!!! Last I checked number at #3. Didn't expect this. I guess it's official, it has become an EPEDEMIC. Spread the word. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Edit 4: Here's some more diseases:
Ocularrectalvirus - can't see your ass going to work.
LDS - Launch Day Syndrome.
Edit 5: Number 1 top rated list!!!!! Awesome guys.
sorry but whats coming next tuesday?
Well too bad I was sick last week(legitimately) but I wouldn't be allowed to miss school even if I was sick this week. My parents would assume that I'm just trying to get out of school for ttk
It's been identified as the Croat strain of the oryxes virus the cdc has been called
You've got harpes ;)
I am on call this week, so I will be up late performing system maintenance and working from home. And by working from home, I mean I will be playing Destiny. Oh... the topsy turvy life that is working in IT! :)
I dont need to be sick, it launches pretty much as soon as I get home from work and the boss has conveniantly closed work for the rest of the week because he is 'sick'. :)
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Yeah I think Oryx himself has poisoned us
ITT: lazy people with no responsibilities
I have school :(
I have the cold and this offends me.
Desticular disease
I have an ear infection that has swelled my ear to the point of me not being able to really hear out of it, and I'm going to work tomorrow. [spoiler]I won't go to the doctors though :/[/spoiler]
Called being lazy
Sorry, I've come down with launch day syndrome. It lasts for about a week and the symptoms include severe lack of motivation for work. The only cure is being quarantined at home with plenty of snacks and beverages and a good internet connection with a game console. I hope you can understand my disease.
Yea I'm feeling like I'm going to eat something bad later and the only cure will be playing Destiny all day tomorrow.
"They'll find ways to miss work.... They always do"
I blame Xylar
it's an epidemic
Destonic Plague I heard was going around.
Unemployed/between law school and a job. So... no need to get sick.
Na. I feel good
Hey boss I think I might have to miss work today. I feel that it is My destiny.
Dear manager, I won't be able to come in to work this week. I have food poisoning, the flu, the gout, shingles, and erectile dysfunction...
I ate some bad atheon applesauce and I have to get some supplicants
Have 5 meetings tomorrow with people who actually are sick and currently cant work a job (serious illness,stress reactions ect.)... I think my game can wait while i try and get them back to work ;) But srsly... kill shit for me too! (And dont take your job for granted!)