[b]Apex meets the with the blind 13 year old Psion. Apex tosses him 2 boxes full of KAP.[/b]
"Greenholm?! Why Trynt?!" He asks in surprise.
"He's trying to fly out and escape to Tethyx...since he isn't bound by Paranorm law or jurisdiction outside of Overwatch and Monarch control.
"So are you gonna get him?" He asks.
"....Once and for all; put an end to this Psion non-sense." Apex says walking away into an alleyway towards his motorcycle.
[b]Dusk watches him from a rooftop through her scope[/b]
[b]He hops on the cycle headed south towards the coast.[/b]
[b]he Passes Xander who is walking down the street[/b]
[b]Apex notices the man in the suit.[/b] "Late-shift I guess", he murmurs. [b]He heads towards Downtown, then towards the Oasis, and eventually arrives at the Coast by Gold Cave.[/b] [b]Tessa jumps to his location.[/b] "Are you ready..." She asks. [b]He nods. And they jump to Trynt.[/b]
[b]you see Eva standing on a rooftop[/b]
[b]Apex and Tessa hop over.[/b] "What brings you here?" Apex asks
"Visiting home"
"Hm, didn't know you were from Trynt" "Well I'm gonna go hunt Cameron now!" He says delightfully
"Born and raised here"