What would have been the best route for the fellowship?
Gandalf wanted the company to fly on eagles, that's why when I died (kinda) he says "fly you fools"
To all you noobs who think gandalf should have summoned eagles and they should have flown to mordor: this is a horrible plan. Did you forget that the eye of Sauron would have just seen them, and that Sauron has control over the crows and Ravens? Did you forget that the ring wraiths can ride gigantic airborne Wyvern felbeasts?
Morris was a fail. Gandalf should just been doing his moth-magic some the beginning.
Tbh why didn't the Eagles just fly frodo over mount doom and he just drop it into the volcano?
The moth. Could have snaged a ride with the eagles...
Freaking mines of Moria was my favorite LOTR moment