I make no effort to acquire grimoire. If it happens it happens.
Lol that's why u play like crap. Not that u don't want it. More like u can't get it
Edited by psi5000: 9/14/2015 4:31:20 PMYou can make assumptions about me, but that's all they are. I am a terrible player - always have been for more than 20 years. Many years ago I made an effort to improve and it made no difference, so now I don't bother. I don't approach the game the way most people do and that is hard for others to understand. I simply enjoy running around shooting at people and I don't give a fart about the story or "winning". Grimoire seems like a very silly waste of my time so I ignore it. I do not care about or know anything about Grimoire. But even as a really bad player, if I made any effort at all to acquire Grimoire I would have a much higher score. Since I don't bother with it, my score is at a base level. That actually makes me happy.
Are you 12 years old? You sure as hell act like it.
*cough* 2700 LOL *cough*