Theeon: "wait i'm-" -His face turns into a deep shade of red Elizabeth: "Remove your hand immeadiately theron" -She says while hitting his head in the confusion elizabeth jumps off and theron falls over pulling Athena down with him-
Edited by Dougie: 9/14/2015 6:30:47 AMWhat the-? Godammit Elizabeth! Why did you have to knock him over? What, are you getting jealous? Afraid?
-Theron seems to have his face gotton so red steam starts to come out of his head while passer by's start looking down the alley- Elizabeth: "it's not my fault Big Bro should have been watching out of where he was going"
It's your fault because you had that godawful dress on his face....
Theron: -still seems to be to embaressed to talk- Elizabeth: "this dress isn't awful I made it myself, and besides your the one who seemd like they weren't even fazed by the action"
Yea, that's probably why it's so bad.
-Theron finally recovered enough to open his eyes and notices how everything looks and while looking up sees Elizabeth's panties and starts to get a bloody nose- Elizabeth: "Theron what's wrong with your nose"
I think you did that
Theron: "goodbye world i think i died trully happy" -Passes out from blood loss from nose- Elizabeth: "How could I have cause this I didn't do anything"
You knocked him over... Theron, I know your faking the passing out
Theron: "true but i'm not opening my eyes if i do there will be a loud shriek that will make very weird looks occur" Elizabeth: "Anyway if it was my fault why are you still on him" -Theron seems to be trying to clean the blood with his jacket-
*Jusy realizes I'm still in same position* I dunno... I- *Cheeks get red*
Edited by BlindSwift: 9/14/2015 6:54:37 AM-Theron still trying to clean the blood on hai face doesn't notice their convorsation- Elizabeth: " Exactly" -she says quietly- "Why couldn't you do this with me Theron"
*gets up* Ok Theron, u wanna explain?
Theorn: "hmm what are you asking me" -He says while finally cleaning the blood up soaking his sleeves red- (This is what he looks like btw)
She asked why you couldn't do this with her
Theron: "wait elizabeth you mean-" -Theron get's an even darker shade of red- Elizabeth: "i n-never said that" -She blushes a bright pink-
Look, I don't have a clue what's going on here and I probably don't want to.... Look, I hear those morons that were chasing me earlier, so i better go.... See you around Theron *gives Elizabeth a smirk that's a mix between predatory and satisfication... ((Sorry, but i gtg... It's late.... Be in tomorrow tho))
"Right see ya" they both say