I'm not making a complaint, I love the balancing you've done the game feels new. But, what doesn't feel new is sun singers. Personally I feel that the sun singer is quite restricted in it's melee ability, because it only has one which is used and is effective, the flame shield. Personally I feel a fix for this issue is to rework the sun singer melee. This change I feel should be that the flame shield is innate to the melee and remove the burn effect. Then to compensate for this, flame shield's replacement should add a burn effect, as well as drop the numbers on flame shield. As well as try to fix solar wind, because I bet you didn't know that sometimes it doesn't work, and really isn't that impressive when it does. I feel that solar wind should be the "nope" button, you hit a person and send them far back. A fun buff for this would be that the knocked back staggers and does light damage to things it comes in contact with (excluding the melee user's team). Brimstone could have a larger blast area to make it more viable, and possibly leave a small, short lived sun spot?
However as I said, it's not a complaint about sun singers, or the warlock master race, just a suggestion on how to improve it.
TL;DR: Rework sun singer melee. Put flame shield as passive. Make burn an add on modifier. Fix solar wind. Buff brimstone.
Well since it's getting bumped it must be a good sign... damn solar wind doesn't work