I just got into Game Capture and although it was a bit more of an undertaking than I thought, I am finally up and running with it.
Although my intent was to do Destiny videos, once I finally got everything running smoothly this idea just wouldn't let me be.
I made this map shortly after Reach released and it was most of my experience with the game. Never finished the campaign and played maybe four PvP matches.
After finishing it, I never expected it to see the light of day, but now thanks to the game capture I'm able to at least put my version of this map out in the world.
Those that played it, I hope it takes you back. Those that didn't, this was one of the first truly great PvP maps.
It's my 2nd game capture video ever and first with decent software, so open to feedback on the video as well as the map.
Thank you.
Nice idea, your initial idea sucked. This is much better, I also like the idea of Timesplitters 2 maps as that game like Goldeneye & Perfect Dark has some great maps.