This was 2 years ago Destiny. When I first saw this gameplay I couldn't wait for Destiny to come out. I was already ready to pre order the collector's edition before it was even announced (sadly didn't get the collector's edition but got the limited instead).
Now looking back at this and seeing all the changes and how Destiny has grown. I wished I've never seen this trailer or anything else relating to this "Destiny". That "Destiny" had some much hope and potential. That "Destiny" could of been one of tbe greatest games to ever made. It had some flaws that the current Destiny fixed, but it was seamless compared to the actual "Destiny".
Now I've heard all the storys/theories of why Bungie changed their game and made it the way it is today. I don't hate the current Destiny, I actually had fun playing it. But theres something missing from this current Destiny that the old one had a [b][u]Dream[/u][/b]
Bungie I really hope you're listening to the right people in this community. I want you to watch this video and understand what is missing from the current Destiny and make it better for years to come.
Thank You
~ An Old Guardian
Take away the other player dropping in via ship and the reward system and it's the same game...the 'old' destiny that you keep referencing is your own mind hyping up and creating something that it never was. It's the game they intended it be with some changes, it's all bout money changes things. You sweet, summer children need to learn how the real world works
My biggest question is, we are guardians of the last safe city. WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON WITH THE CITY?!?!?!?!?! Haven't heard even so much as a flippin small mention for the past 2 dlcs and for some reason I highly doubt there will be any in ttk. They need to get back to the core point of the Damn game instead of just dropping random content into the mix
The UI is far better looking then even now. The load out screen and gun upgrade screen were far superior looking. The graphics seemed a bit more refined as well. I never think of the issues the game has now,but it does make a point when you see one thing,and are dealt another. I have always been curious (and this will come out years from now) about what altered the path,if in fact the path was ever altered as dramatically as some claim. I also feel seeing something 'different' always brings a sense of 'what-if' to mind,after seeing and repeating the same thing for hundreds of hours. [spoiler]The nostalgia of those first couple of missions being a noob [/spoiler]
Listen to how damn bored they sound. They know that literally all that existed in that version of the game was exactly what they were doing. Nothing more. They knew even the product they were playing had been rushed. Jesus.
Edited by John6Max4: 9/14/2015 8:36:46 AMDestiny is seriously improving but that's not much to brag about when it was incomplete at launch and the developers just flat-out refused to acknowledge it other than: [quote]things change during development[/quote] and then have lackluster payed dlc after lackluster payed dlc to make up for lack of content and then a year later new players will be able to get an actual complete game with story, background, and a shit ton of items with story missions and quests connecting all those story missions. Ughh I will always see Destiny Year One as a beta and it boggles my mind how anyone could argue against it with the huge overhaul they made with Destiny Year Two
Destiny advertised as a new - Fallout - Skyrim - Mass Effect - CoD turned out to be another Titanfall with slighly more missions. and some cuscenes..