That's superb!!!
I'm top 1% servitor killers!
Top 1% melee kills!
And actually very cool to read those stats. I recently posted a thread whining about testing weapons in Crucible, and I got torn to bits by the trolls on here for being a crap PVP player and to shut up (admittedly I don't play very much PVP!)
TOP 2% -blam!-ING PERCENT IN IRON BANNER BITCHES!!! And I'm not even a PVP player.
Bungie should do more of this, it would MASSIVELY improve this toxic forum.
Ditto man. Top 1% in IB wins. But hey im told to git gud. Wtf do these kids know.
I got top 2% in IB wins and get told the same thing lol.
I am top 1% iron banner kills lol being to rank 5 three times
Just goes to show that most of the big mouths on here are full of bullshit. lol
What are you on about
If you got top 1% after ranking to level 5 just 3 times and I got to top 2% and am sold admittedly not a PVP player, then all these guys who call everyone a PVP scrub must actually be pretty shit at the game themselves. lol
Naw there's just not that many people that actually play IB the whole week. Some play it sporadically a few times a week and don't finish while others wait until near the end to start so they can do 5 ranks in 1-2 days because of the boost. People who don't play it the whole week don't get as many kills and don't have to play as many matches either.
Yeah im a decent pvp player 1.15 overall kd
Hi there fellow sworn enemy of the servitors! My warlock got that one too with 1003 servitor kills LOL
Our bond is to destroy purple balls!!