I'm just curious to what everyone is going to do first when TTK comes out? Nightfall? Story missions? Other?
With all the changes to the nightfall I'm no longer sure if completing it first thing is going to be necessary. Comment below!
To all fellow Guardians: Good luck, have fun, and happy killings tomorrow!
Love all the replies, some of you have some pretty 'interesting' agendas tomorrow!
turn in dead orbit exotic bounty
Go get my new subclasses
Shower after work and drink some monsters then smash some taken scum
Look at Bungie. Net it doesn't drop till 9:00 am Pacific time. But still going to GameStop at midnight to get my copy
Go to work. Do my job. The. Go home and see if it was worth 40 bucks.
Hopefully wake up...
Go for a pooh
Play with the purple ball, though I'm slightly worried they've ninja nerfed it
Making coffee.
As soon as I get my first green Rocket Launcher, with 190 dmg, deleted the Gjallarhorn
On Destiny i'll attempt to get the Nightstalker unlocked as soon as possible, then do The Dark Below, considering I have yet to purchase any DLC.
School. Because education first.
Work my regular 10 hour shift. Come home and hope the new dlc is downloaded by then
Wait another 15 hours for the update to download
On new expansions I always check out the entire map for new things, then I will go to the Tower and Reef to see what's new there. Then start questing
Leveling: Story until I unlock the Subclass. 44,500XP + Focused Light and Exotic Class Item. PER CHARACTER. Packages: New Monarchy edged at 2499 rep + 200 heavy synth + 6 Commendations = 4 packages Cryptarch rep edged x2 = 2 packages Vanguard edged at 2995 = 1 package
Going for my bow first time I boot up.
Probably get the misses to suck me off wile I drink my coffee whilst I go to the tower
Become a sith lord.
Urinate obnoxiously loud and sporadically and then leave the seat up.
Tuesday. Start game when I get up at 545 am to see if anything needs to update. Then get kids up and ready for school. Leave 625 am. Take them to sitters. Go to work. Get off 4 pm. Go home start game up. Wait for wife to get home with the kids. Help with homework and dinner. Play in between if possible. Let wife sleep before she goes to work at 930 pm. Make sure kids get snack, baths, and put them to bed at 8 pm. Play til wee hours in the night. Text wife while she working and tell her not feeling well (setting up for being off tomorrow with sick day even though I already requested off but she doesn't know it). Wednesday. Wake up 545 to text her I called out cause still sick, then sleep until 730am. Get kids up and ready for school. Drop them off at school. Go home to play all day while wife sleeps. Then go get kids from school. Come home. Fix dinner, kids homework and stuff since wife goes in at 4pm. Play when time allows, then play uninterrupted until midnight.
Work, pick up destiny ce, marvel at the wonderful strange coin replica and punch the piss out of some taken bitches...
Level up the new nightstalker class whilst handing in all my saved 5000xp bounties and new bounties to get to 40.
Become Thor