I'm just curious to what everyone is going to do first when TTK comes out? Nightfall? Story missions? Other?
With all the changes to the nightfall I'm no longer sure if completing it first thing is going to be necessary. Comment below!
To all fellow Guardians: Good luck, have fun, and happy killings tomorrow!
Love all the replies, some of you have some pretty 'interesting' agendas tomorrow!
Become Thor
Go to GameStop to pick up my CE.
Wake up at 6:30am est. Go to work. And then finally get on Destiny after work around 6pm. I'll probably just start with the story.
Go to work and be the sadness... Then come home and binge as much as I can before sleep... Subclasses, SUBCLASSES!!
Get it off. Sorry, but thts what the majority of us do in the morning. Dont forget to brush your teeth too! Oh yea, and destiny.
Probably new story missions first on my warlock (main) and just try to take everything in
Pre order stuff, vip stuff, moments then story
Probably start the download, go to work and read the forums about every raging about how slow the dowload is going while I sip on my coffee ;)
Wake up!
Turn in the 8 cryptarch packages I've been saving
Work on all my campaign for warlock, get him to level 40 and repeat for all characters
Pick up lord shaxx bounties and take the new quests and form my dream team t
I'm going to turn in my bounties, level up the new subclass, do the old story missions for extra xp. Then I'll check out the new missions :)
Lightning boltzzzzzzzx
Haven't played since May, so it should take 2-4 days to download with my internet.
vip stuff, subclasses, everything
Probably take a pis like I always do.
U can't do nightfall
Get my subclass unlocked then the story missions
Go to school then work
I'm going to get on a plane at 5:30 am... No TTK for me until Saturday night.
We can't do nightfall immediately since the necessary light level is above 200 light. So i think most of the people will do history quest so they can have the next class. That's certainly what i will do too.
Knowing my luck, it will probably take 24+ hours to download TTK. So I'm obviously not going to be playing it tomorrow.
I heard we can't do the nightfall until we beat the raid
Turn in a lot of bounties.
Well first Ima get the new subclass for my hunter then probably finish my dead orbit quest