I'm just curious to what everyone is going to do first when TTK comes out? Nightfall? Story missions? Other?
With all the changes to the nightfall I'm no longer sure if completing it first thing is going to be necessary. Comment below!
To all fellow Guardians: Good luck, have fun, and happy killings tomorrow!
Love all the replies, some of you have some pretty 'interesting' agendas tomorrow!
Exchange my armor materials
level new subclass and smash new story mission so i can get on with everything else.
Going to work
Waking up, going to work for 9 hours, come home, play Destiny until dawn, go to sleep, wake up, play Destiny for 2 days as I'm off work.
Get my subclass and turn in all my stuff.
Edited by Darth Nyquil: 9/14/2015 1:47:09 PMProbably take a dump, get a mug of tea, and then feed my cat.
Roll a blunt. Cook full English breakfast. Profit, plenty of profit
Edited by Vex: 9/14/2015 1:48:30 PMGet home from school at 3. Do homework until 5 PM cause that's when ttk launches for me over in Western Australia. Load destiny only to see error code "Ostrich" on my screen. Try again only to fail. Restart my router. Turn my Xbox on only to see that my Xbox won't connect to the Internet. Turn off Xbox. Kick Xbox. Shower. Fap. Eat. Sleep.
Get my exotic New Monarchy class item. I've been waiting to claim it for days
Eat some cereal
Wake up.
Level up my subclass
Just to clarify, will the nightfalls no longer give you the week long exp buff?
Probably a jobby
Probably play metal gear because my preorder probably won't be here until the next day.
Go to work from 9-5, eat dinner then go to class from 6:30-9:30. Then I'll probably play a little TTK.
get my exotic fwc cape
Call in sick
Well you'll have to reach lvl 40 before you will qualify for nightfall if I'm not mistaken...
Work and that's about it
Go to work.
New subclass quest
Get the new subclass asap
Try to get my Bow so i can put all my bounties into it.
1. Look at the available quests listed on reddit [spoiler]https://m.reddit.com/r/DestinyTheGame/comments/3kt4nr/spoiler_list_off_all_105_quests_with_their_steps/[/spoiler] 2. Find out which ones (that are available) give me the best armor and weapons and complete them. 3. Use my Focused Light and all of the 5000 EXP Bounties and Public Event Packages I've been saving to level up armor, weapons, and subclasses & get to level 40 to be as prepared as I can be for the raid on Friday.