If you think that hunters arent OP. You dont play Destiny or you run a hunter as your main. I say that because the only people i see who state hunters arent Op are the ones who main them. Hunters are what gaige was to borderlands 2. The no skill class. Its a class with two offensive skill sets while the others have support. People dont use hunters cause they're more stream lined (nice way of putting more OP). They use them cause they're easy. GG is easy as hell to use. BD is a button mash fest. How do I know. I had a hunter and destroyed it after i hit 32. Dont believe me. Check my grimoire or if your on psn my trophies
I don't "main" anything. I use classes as needed. And they aren't overpowered as much as they are well designed. By far hunters are the worst pve class but they are as a result the best pvp class. Their skills are optimised for pvp and their supers are the most flexible.