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Edited by slight: 9/14/2015 12:49:02 PM

Year one player's opinion on nerf-happy bungie.

Okay Bungie you deserve all the hate, love, and mixed feelings. But you need, no- HAVE TO listen to year one players. They, we, are the reason your game became what it is. We built it. You made it, designed it, sold it. But we built it. We made it what it is. We became legend. Then, in favor of letting new players have it easier, you strip us of that. 100's of hours of pounding, beating, clawing our way through a game you designed but we built. AND NOW YOU SPIT IN OUR FACES WITH TTK. Throw all our work out the window, dump it in the sink, burn it. All to give new players a "better" destiny experience. Well the best experience they could have got was to join in the game and see tons of guardians who became legend, to face our might. The terror of year one. With our fully usable exotics. (I'll get to that.) I'm not amazing in pvp, I'm decent in pve, and I have not come close to completing my triumphs. So that's not what bothers me. What bothers me is you ignore the best thing that happened to your game, year one players. It irks me that you will leave us in the dust with nothing to show for all our work. As for the nerfing, you ought to be ashamed. All those wonderful exotics just got the wind taken from their sails, forever. How did the weapons designers feel about their pride and joy being shot in the foot. Or maybe it was their idea.[spoiler]Most likely not.[/spoiler] But why? Answer that. Any answer, I don't care. But give a reason. Then I'll will stop bugging you. Check me out, I have none of the expansions, no DB, no HoW, and I might not get TTK. But I will not stop playing. I'm to invested, not in money, not in time, but in fun. I'll keep playing until you take every last milligram of fun out. [spoiler]And at your current rate I expect to be able and hang up my, marks, my cloaks, and my bonds before the year is out.[/spoiler] There is my opinion. Please give feedback.

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