Atleast us warlocks were able to defeat ahamkara. But now that we trained hunters and Titans. Hunters were next to defeat him. Warlocks were also the first guardians and wield the strongest light. (Said on grimmore cards, not word for word)
With the new grimoire showing that the Ahkmara and the worms on the Dreadnaught may have the same origins, being shape-shifting creatures of the dark, your "kills" and bones that can "speak" may not be what you think they are. If a worm can turn into a dragon, then why can't a dragon turn into bones?
Actually it's pretty well implied in the grimoire a hunter went and defeated an ahamkara on his own despite a warlock saying he couldn't do it. Warlocks think that just because they wield the strongest light it makes them master race. I personally don't like warlocks. They are a seemingly stuck up, snobby, by the books type of people which I don't like.
I'm not stuck up or snobby at all. People like you are the ones that cause the conflict because you see one bad guardian and assume all the other ones of its kind are like it. We are all guardians who defend and fight for the last city on earth. So let's eliminate the conflict and work together.
I think you misunderstood me. I don't like warlocks because from what iv'e gathered from the lore of destiny warlocks are a very stuck up group of people believing them to be better than everyone. I'm not referring to people in general. Hunters are more carefree and like to do shit for the fun and challenge of it which is why I prefer them.
Not all people who play as warlocks are snobby or stuck up I play on all of my classes just my hunter a little less because I lost my touch with the class I still have it to try out the sub class also but when it comes down to it I like all the classes
Titans were the first the defended the wall while it was being built
This isn't about Titans buddy. This is about warlocks and people who turn invisible and run away
Yea just proving you warlock trash wrong yet again ✌
Okay think what you want little light
Besides were the two best PvP classes anyway sure warlocks are a bit behind but not by much so what we even worrying about
That doesn't matter. It's all about your skill level and how you use them
True true
I'm a hunter actually