They're just going to give you weapons and engrams from year 1. You WILL NOT get any taken King stuff from those packages. I don't know why people still thinks this. Just edge the rep bar so you turn in 1 blue engram and it gives you a new package. Hope for a legendary or exotic
I have the suros and vanguard pre order weapon packs to fall back on anyways so I'm not really screwed if I get nothing
Suros Weapon pack only contains GREEN weapons.
Which have higher attack stats than any weapon you own
130 attack is better than 170? Lol no. You realise the Suros weapons are for NEW players, right?!
Don't think so
So do I but you could of used that space to store public event packages to rank up to 40 instantly being they give you 2500xp a piece and focused light doubles that
I have about 10 already
...and don't forget about the exotic class items! +10% to level & +25% to subclass
Don't need it. I'm definitely not paying 20 bucks for that either.
You're just going to get old stuff lol
Cryptarch packages are the only ones with a chance to roll new dlc engrams
Only if you get the package after the update. They are pre determined so any package you currently have is old stuff. That's how it's always been lol More people come up with this idea every dlc and it fails.
Yeah but you still recieve xp from the leveling your character
That's not what were talking about smdh
This, you should have waited and left him at the brink.