Hello all, we gather here today to teach everyone how to attract white guys.
There are various white guy subcultures:
Redneck white guy
Likes: Guns, lifted trucks, camouflage, beer, and Carhartts.
The redneck white guy is common to rural parts of the United States. To attract him own at least one gun(ammo is optional, he will end up buying it for you). Lifted trucks and camo go hand in hand, they love both things and will try to "camo" everything. Beer, find out what kind he likes and keep at least a case of it around. Carhartts, nothing screams "country" like Carhartts.
However be advised a good 85% of these guys are not actually country or redneck, only about 15% of them are "country" usually farmboys.
Farmboys can be the ideal guy for any girl, no ladies of B.net they will not go Engrapadora on the horses if you or him have any.
The dudebro-
Likes: fast cars, new phones, polo shirts, and cologne.
Common to upperclass sections or "downtown" sections of urban areas. Usually driving any of the "fast" or "fast looking" cars, usually decked out and taken care of very well. Carrying the newest phones and wearing the brightest polos they can find, you'll see them coming. Usually wearing a higher end cologne, you'll smell them coming.
To attract him you must have a nicer car, dress very sophisticated, and always act bored around other girls. Compliment his car and phone, while subtly teasing him. This makes it a competition and the dudebros love competition.
Cargo shorts are important to white guys, they are a staple of the way we dress.
[spoiler]Need moar stereotypes, post away. [/spoiler]
The Basement Dweller Usually lives in their parents house, anywhere in urban America Likes-MLP, WoW, Eve Online, computers, and mustard bating. How to attract-You don't want one of these
hipster guys who dress like women? -blam!- i have seen too many of these downtown
Did u put in cargo shorts? White boys love cargo shorts.
"White guy who thinks he's black" perhaps?
How to attract a white male B.net user: Make a selfie post Feminist post White male privilege post Why is it so hard to get white girls thread Be a girl The B.net males are an odd bunch, often flocking to selfie threads or political correctness threads to support or fight against the matriarchy. Often thirsty, they communicate with fedora tipping and neckbeard rustling.
Being a white guy...I'll let you in on the secret of getting us. 1) You can cook. 2) you have a Job. There that's it.
How to attract an anime fan guy- Watch anime, do everything the anime girls do, always add -kun to end of males name. To find them, go to any convention involving pop culture or anime.
The Hipster white guy- The Hipster hangs out in suburban areas, they congregate at small coffee shops(not Starbucks or any national chains, because those are too mainstream). Identifiable by bicycles, apparel, thick rim glasses, scarves, and odd Victorian era beard styling. To attract them, you must be low key. Always stating you did something like "I was a feminist before it was cool." Carry around older books like Moby Dick or 10,000 leagues below the sea. You must have a top of the line phone and always be texting someone. You'll attract more if you drive a Prius.